SMS for HR: How can HR Incorporate SMS to Reach Employees?

Last year’s ‘Beast from the East’ created a HR nightmare, with many employees left wondering if their workplace was open whilst many employers struggled to communicate with their teams.

So how can HR teams quickly get in touch with all members of the team in an emergency? And how can they ensure that their messages are received?

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Megan Bryant
What's the Best Way to Build Empathy with your Customers?

It is now easier than ever for companies to communicate with their customers. In the same way that a simple “How are you?” can improve someone’s day, a text to a customer asking how he or she is liking the new product can help cement a relationship.

But how do you convey your brand values and personality effectively? And how do you choose the most effective channel for your company? Here’s a brief look at some of the key digital channels and how they can be used to build stronger relationships.

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Megan Bryant